(320) 269-5315 contact@maacasbestos.com

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Everything looks great. MAAC did a very good job with the demolition and cleaning up afterwards. They also were very good about sticking to the prison rules and guidelines. I was very impressed with this contractor.

Director of Facilities

Waseca Federal Prison

I am writing to explain our district’s working experience with MAAC since 1989 up to the present time. MAAC has done a considerable amount of work for our district and their performance has been very satisfactory. His workers are well trained and very professional. All work is done in a timely manner. We have experienced a few emergency situations and MAAC’s response was outstanding. They have been a pleasure for me to work with, and they did what they said they would.

James Fredricks

Director of Buildings & Grounds, ISD 206 | Alexandria, MN

While working as a Senior Project Manager for the Institute of Environmental Assessment (IEA), MAAC was the approved bidder on several projects in which I was involved. While many of these projects appeared uncomplicated at the onset, unforeseen conditions often arose. MAAC assisted greatly in providing solutions which illustrated to me MAAC’s desire to use state of the art work practices and maintain a professional attitude through the project’s completions. MAAC’s follow-through and documentation was exceptions. So was their adherence to OSHA, EPA, MDH and MPCA regulations and specifications. No liquidated damages were assessed in any form, and reasonable costs for change orders were the rule, not the exception.

Roger Schaefbauer

Senior Project Manager, Institute of Environmental Assessment (IEA) | Delano, MN

MacNeail Environmental, Inc. has been providing specifications for asbestos abatement administering these contracts since 1989. The majority of our projects have been in schools coved by the USEPA – AHERA rules and regulations. Since 1989, MAAC has been the successful bidder on approximately 30-35 of our projects. MAAC has always finished their contract on time while following all project specifications and providing quality workmanship. There have been no outstanding balances, liquidated damages or amounts withheld from MAAC for projects under our specifications.

Gary DeMars

Director of Abatement Engineering, MacNeil Environmental, Inc. | Burnsville, MN